Secondary Dominant Chord By Song

Jan 26

How to Recognize Secondary Dominant Chords by Ear

If you've ever marveled at a **chromatic chord progression** or wondered how musicians seem to effortlessly identify complex harmonies, the answer lies in training your ear. Recognizing **secondary dominant chords**—or **applied chords**—is a skill that opens the door to understanding rich harmonic textures and improving your ability to **play by ear**.

What Are Secondary Dominant Chords?

Secondary dominant chords are harmonies that temporarily shift the tonal focus to a new key, creating a sense of movement and tension. These chords often act as a stepping stone to the next diatonic chord, enhancing the emotional impact of a progression.

Knowing what they are is secondary to learning how they sound

In this week's video tutorial, you'll internalize the sound of a series of secondary dominant chords using a song I created for my students a while ago. It's based on an exercise created by my college theory teacher L. Dean Nuernberger.  It goes through a number of these chords and makes a difficult concept more palatable and inviting for your intuitive musical sense, not just your thinking mind.

Why Are They Important?

Mastering the ability to recognize secondary dominants enhances your musical intuition and performance. Whether you're improvising, arranging, or analyzing a piece, understanding these chords helps you navigate harmonic complexities with confidence.

The Song

I broke the song up into smaller parts so you can focus on each one individually:

1. The main melody of the song sung in lyrics. This is the entry point where you'll get the tune stuck in your mind.

2. The bass line sung in lyrics. Sing along with this part to gently focus your ear on the chord progression.

3. The main melody of the song sung in solfège. This will help you internalize how the melody outlines the chords.

4. The bass line in solfège. This will help you further internalize the root movement of the chord progression.

Boost Your Ear Training Today

Secondary dominants are more than just a theoretical concept; they're a gateway to understanding the emotional and structural depth of music. As you practice recognizing these chords, you'll not only sharpen your ear but also enhance your ability to use your ear to unlock the secrets of music.

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